Case studies

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Public Appointments

At the CabinetOffice we provided technical input and analysis, prototyping and production grade solutions for Public Appointments

A legacy system was to be replaced with a new service married to an applicant tracking system.

Technical requirements were analysed leading to a tendering process and a 3rd party supplier being chosen to provide a back-end service.An elaborate front-end prototype was created to meet user research requirements and was taken forward with little change. An API service was developed using Node and AWS services to connect the front-end to the external supplier. Particular attention was placed on coding for flexibility to ensure further features could be added with reduced overhead, automation - such as a pipeline built for continuous deployment and resilience - such as containerised micro-services with green/blue traffic transfer.While initially onboarded to build the solution our resource brought two decades of experience building web-based services to the project and provided invaluable technical recommendation and oversight.